Meta-owned WhatsApp and Instagram have been restored following the global outage. The two communication apps services were down for several users across the globe beginning around 11.45 pm IST Wednesday. Users trying to log in to the Apps or WhatsApp web – the browser version – were faced with an error message saying the service was currently unavailable.
Meta-owned WhatsApp and Instagram were down for several users across the globe beginning around 11.45 pm IST Wednesday but have been restored. Users trying to log in to the Apps or WhatsApp web – the browser version – were faced with an error message saying the service was currently unavailable.
In a statement issued on X. WhatsApp said: "We know some people are experiencing issues right now, we're working on getting things back to 100% for everyone as quickly as possible”
On Instagram, several users were unable to refresh their feeds or see the latest Stories.
Downdetector, a popular website that tracks web outages, showed a spike in users reporting an issue while attempting to use WhatsApp and Instagram.
This is the second time this year that the Meta-owned platforms have faced an outage.
WhatsApp web users trying to log in were met with this error.
In March, Instagram, Facebook and Threads were down for many users, who complained of being suddenly logged out of their accounts.
Others reported being logged out without an option to log back in, while those with two-factor authentication struggled to get codes to complete their log-ins. The issue occurred on both, the app and the website.